2012年製, 0手, Brandnew牌薄, 47000km, Facelift版 / 雙天窗, 3電門, 4電大班椅, 免匙著車, JBL 18喇叭, 360度泊車鏡, 原廠前後顯示屏, 原廠包圍 / 包驗車for續牌費 / 100%絶無中港記錄, 如有撞浸中港雙賠上架費 / 車主定期保養, 絶不用任何大小維修 / 歡迎Trade-in / 可0首期全數最長上5年會, 年息特低 / 本公司自設兩個維修保養門市(觀塘及葵涌), 日後更可為客戶提供定期保養服務, 信心保證 / 電: 66860815 或 94448758
Made in 2012, Dual sunroof, 3 power doors, 4 power seats, JBL 18 Speakers, 360 degree panoramic parking camera, Genuine body kit, Keyless go, 0 previous owner, Just 47000km, 100% accident free & no China record, Excellent condition & no need any repairs, Price included MOT, Welcome trade in, We also provide maximum of 5 years financial installment service for this car, Please call: 94448758
Made in 2012, Dual sunroof, 3 power doors, 4 power seats, JBL 18 Speakers, 360 degree panoramic parking camera, Genuine body kit, Keyless go, 0 previous owner, Just 47000km, 100% accident free & no China record, Excellent condition & no need any repairs, Price included MOT, Welcome trade in, We also provide maximum of 5 years financial installment service for this car, Please call: 94448758