

- Fully rebuilt (list of work can be provided)
- 1986 registered
- All work has been rectified;
- Engine Regular check
- Change engine oil and engine filter
- Replace gear box fluid and filter
- Replace engine mount x2
- Replace front and rear tyres
- Replace front and rear damper and coil
- Polish and steam cleaning
- Replace ignition wire and distributor cap
- Replace front left and right floor (Paint and antirust)
- Change engine oil and oil filter
- Change A/C refrigerator changer
- Replace the A/C system from R12 to R134a
- Replace the A/C pump , Dryer ,Condenser, A/C pump Bracket, A/C Hose

TEST VIEW CONTACT: 6493 3999 Winnie / 6694 4888 Ming

WEBSITE: www.mymotors.com.hk

ADDRESS: 8 Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley

( Appointment required in advance of test-view)
