Selling my great looking Audi A5 coupé in original Brilliant Black with sunroof
- Great condition (always parked indoors, non-smoker, no pets, no accidents, only minor scratches)
- Powerful 2 liter engine with 211 horsepowers, drives very well!
- Low mileage, only 1 previous owner
- Regularly performed service intervals and inspections
- Recently passed annual vehicle examination
Price negotiable - welcome for viewings on Hong Kong island
出售我漂亮的奧迪 A5 雙門轎跑車,原裝 Brilliant Black,電動天窗,全原裝
- 狀況良好(泊室內,不吸煙,無寵物,無碰撞,只有輕微划痕)
- 強勁的 2000 cc引擎具備 211 匹馬力,自動波,駕駛感非常好!
- 低里數,1 字
- 定期檢查和保養
- 牌費至 2023年10月
- Great condition (always parked indoors, non-smoker, no pets, no accidents, only minor scratches)
- Powerful 2 liter engine with 211 horsepowers, drives very well!
- Low mileage, only 1 previous owner
- Regularly performed service intervals and inspections
- Recently passed annual vehicle examination
Price negotiable - welcome for viewings on Hong Kong island
出售我漂亮的奧迪 A5 雙門轎跑車,原裝 Brilliant Black,電動天窗,全原裝
- 狀況良好(泊室內,不吸煙,無寵物,無碰撞,只有輕微划痕)
- 強勁的 2000 cc引擎具備 211 匹馬力,自動波,駕駛感非常好!
- 低里數,1 字
- 定期檢查和保養
- 牌費至 2023年10月