

*永久免費充電及Sportiy頻道·Unlimited free supercharge & Spotify account
*家庭週末車,咪數少·Family car, seldom use during weekday
*長期家中慢义充電·Recharge at home station with low voltage with good care of the batteries
*無長途,無意外·No long distance driving, no accidents
*已原廠更換螢幕、天幕摩打、車底板、導航、手抽、車頭燈、車身內置快差左等等·Many new parts changed including master charger, Navigation Micro SD Card - Media Control Unit , eMMC, sunroof motor and cable, MCU touchscreen, handle motor, light bulks etc with full record at Tesla
* 全程原廠保用,有齊記錄·Maintenance under Tesla from day one until now with record (last check at end Feb 2024)
* 附送全新原廠中义頭·Brand new Tesla charge station to be provided (never used)
* 附送內置360度車Cam ·Free 360 camera is installed and included
