

Made in 2011, BMW X3 28ia, 3000cc, Glass roof, Engine Start, Power leather seats, Just 52000km, Price included MOT, 100% accident free, Excellent condition & no need repairs, Welcome trade in, We also provide a maximum of 5 years financial installment service for the car, Pls call 94448758

2011年製BMW X3 28ia, 行貨2手, 天幕頂, 3000cc直六引擎, 8速+-, 免匙著車, 電動皮椅, 5萬餘公里, 內外高質, 包驗車, 如有撞浸中港雙賠上架費, 歡迎trade in, $168000, 可0首期全數上5年會, 電: 66860815 / 9444875
