目標突破300MPH-Hennessey Performance Venom F5

Hennessey Venom既世界級速度無容置疑,近期先有「Chiron 42秒」記錄、再被Agera RS打破,Hennessey都忍唔到要出手啦!Chiron同Agera RS都係0-400-0KPH記錄,Hennessey目標係更快既482kph!

雖然事實上300mph既車以現今科技難以達成,但Hennessey就覺得「Nothing is impossible」,當年270mph既Venom都係一眾爭議聲下誕生,突破人類科技既300mph跑車究竟幾時會出世?

Venom F5目標最少有1500匹,亦會繼續使用TwinTurbo Chevy V8。想知更多資料,Hennessey將會係11月1號公佈更多!

Venom F5 Unveiling Event – November 1 @ 11 AM Pacific

Hennessey Venom F5 unveiling event will take place at the SEMA Show on November 1st at 11 am Pacific time in the Shell Pioneering Performance Pavillon. This event will be streamed live on our YouTube, Facebook & Instagram channels. Visit the Shell Pioneering Performance Pavillon, booth number 60005, at the 2017 SEMA Show in Las Vegas, October 31st through November 3rd.

Posted by Hennessey Performance on Thursday, 19 October 2017

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